Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Study

Every now and again I resurrect this blog. Past has been traveling updates, ramblings and muses. The next evolution of the blog is now (partially): Beer tasting and ratings.

It is no surprise that everyone has their favorite drink when they go out. Some never migrate away from the Bud Lights of the world. Some (more adventurous) go out to seek the title: Beer Connoisseur.

This pilot episode includes a guest taster: Whitney Jamison

We sample 4 beers – all of different types.

First up:

Flying Dog – Pearl Necklace Oyster Stout
ABV 5.5%

Whitney’s Ratings:

Appearance: 4/5
·         Head: No head
·         Body: Full dark body, but not heavy
·         Color: Black

Aroma: 6/10
·         Malt: Toffee
·         Hops: Average

Palate: 3/5
·         Body: Full
·         Texture: Slick
·         Carbonation: Lively

Flavor: 6/10
·         Duration: Short
·         Sweetness: Moderate
·         Acidic: Moderate
·         Bitterness: Moderate

Misc Notes:

Bottle to Skull ratio: lighter bottle 3/5

Pace car beer. (1)

Megan Fox kind of beer (-2)

Republican beer as oyster stout reminds me of an oyster roast with a lot of older grey hair men.

Overall rating:  22/42

RJ’s Ratings:
Appearances: 3/5
·         Head – frothy
·         Body – Murkey
·         Color – dark brown/black

Aroma: 7/10
·         Heavy smell – know that you are drinking a stout by its smell alone.  Nothing special.

Palate: 3/5
·         Body: Full
·         Texture: mildly thick
·         Finish: Lightly bitter – molasses-ey

Flavor: 6.5/10
·         Duration: Long
·         Bitterness: Moderate
·         Sweetness: Light
·         Misc: Balanced taste, very good taste.

Misc Notes:

Bottle to Skull Ratio: generic bottle.  Label is heavy and would hold bottle together.  Don’t count on it being a very effective weapon.

Republican beer: Traditional stout taste that is mildly bitter.

Pace car beer.

Overall rating: B-

Flying Fish Grand Cru Winter Reserve
ABV 6.9%

Whitney’s Rating:

Appearance: 3/5
·         Head: Little/no head
·         Body: Cloudy
·         Color: Yellow

Aroma: 4/10
·         Malt: Hay
·         Hops: Flowers
·         Yeast: Earthy

Palate: 3/5
·         Body: Full
·         Texture: Slick/gritty
·         Carbination: Fizzy
·         Finish:  Bitter/sweet

Flavor: 5/10
·         Duration: Long
·         Sweetness: Harsh
·         Acidic: Moderate
·         Bitterness: Moderate

Misc Notes:

Bottle to Skull ratio: 4/5

Pace car beer (1)

Megan Foxx beer (-2)

Democratic Beer: earthy taste, purple label – oxymoronic name

Overall rating: 20/42

RJ’s Rating

Appearance: 4/5
·         Head: Spare
·         Body: Cloudy
·         Color: Tan/Amber
·         Misc: Looks like a good beer

Aroma: 7/10
·         Faint fruit smell – reminds me of a Franzenkaner or a Hoegaarden.

Palate: 2/5
·         Body: Medium
·         Texture: a little flat
·         Finish: Surprisingly bitter

Flavor: 4/10
·         Duration: Short
·         Sweetness: Moderate
·         Bitterness: More than expected, but mild

Misc Notes:

Marathon beer that will cause for a “throw darts at strangers” kind of night.

Democratic beer – It sold me on both its appearance and aroma, but its taste was disappointing and didn’t deliver.  Luckily with its higher alcoholic content, drinking just a few of these will numb you to reality fairly shortly.

Overall Rating: C –

Catawba White Zombie
ABV 5.1%

Whitney’s Rating:

Appearance: 2/5
·         Head: Yes please, and lots of it.
·         Body: Cloudy
·         Color: Yellow

Aroma: 4/10
·         Malt: Light
·         Hops: Citrus
·         Yeast: Sweet

Palate: 3/5
·         Body: Light
·         Texture: Light
·         Carbination: Light

Flavor: 7/10
·         Duration: Average
·         Sweetness: Light
·         Acidic: Light
·         Bitterness: Light

Misc Notes:

Bottle to Skull ratio: it’s a can.  So not much.

Marathon beer (3) – great beach beer

Republican beer: Skeptical at first, but came around.  Full of promise at the start but like a zombie, dead inside.

RJ’s Note:

Appearances: 4/5
·         Head – large
·         Body: Cloudy
·         Color: Yellow

Aroma: 5/10
·         Smells like a generic beer

Palate: 2/5
·         Body: Light
·         Texture: Thin – a hint of sweet aftertaste

Flavor: 3/10
·         Duration: Short
·         Sweetness: Light
·         Bitterness: Light
·         Other: Not much of any taste

Misc Notes:

Drag race beer.  It is so light you could chug it quite easily.

Democratic beer: The name is a perfect fit.  It is the decaying remnants of what probably was a good beer.  Very little taste, very light texture/color.  Good for a summer day at the pool or for an extended night on the town.

Margaret Thatcher beer: Wouldn’t get too far.

Overall rating: D

Spaten Muchen Dunkel
ABV 5.2%

Whitney’s Rating:

Appearance: 5/5
·         Head: Goldy Locks
·         Body: Clear
·         Color: Brown/Amber

Aroma: 8/10
·         Malt: Grain
·         Hops: Grass
·         Yeast: Earthy

Palate: 4/5
·         Body: Medium
·         Texture: Surprisingly Thick
·         Carb: Average
·         Finish: Smooth

Flavor: 8/10
·         Duration: Average
·         Sweetness: Heavy, but in a good way – like Hollywood’s version of full figured.
·         Acidic: Average
·         Bitterness: Average

Misc Notes:

Bottle to Skull ratio: The Germans know how to bash skulls

Marathon Beer: You will likely need medical assistance for heart failure at the finish.

Democratic beer:  Well traveled but not precocious.

Jennifer Anniston Beer:  Classic taste, good then, good now, good always – MILF!

Overall Rating: 37/42

RJ’s Rating:

Appearances: 4/5
·         Head: Small
·         Body: Clear
·         Color: Light brown

Aroma: 3/10
·         Smells bitter – sharp.  Maybe even a bit skunky.

Palate: 3/5
·         Body: Light+ / Medium
·         Finish: Toffee/butterscotch

Flavor: 6/10
·         Duration: Light
·         Sweetness: Very Light
·         Bitterness: Not very
·         Misc: Felt with would be better suited as a brown ale.

Misc Notes:

Makes a good flute.  Sturdy green bottle.

Marathon beer.  Not a high alcohol content so you can drink a lot.  Heavier than a lager but not by much more.  Justin Beiber could drink these and have room for some Coke.

Independent party beer.  It has an overall enjoyable taste but takes a little bit of study to understand.  Masses wont understand.  Zee Germans!  Zee Germans!

Overall rating:  B

Experts Rating:  83/100

In closing of this initial Study, we find that although we both enjoy beer, we have a lot of differences.

Feel free to let me know what you think or if there are some beers you would like reviewed!

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